Media Office
Central Media Office
H. 6 Muharram 1446 | No: 1446 AH / 01 |
M. Friday, 12 July 2024 |
Press Release
The International Community’s Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza is only the Deceptive Throwing Dust in the Eyes
There is not a statesman, politician or international or governmental institution left, that has not called for a ceasefire in Gaza, after the events of 7 October, 2023 and the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. In addition to these calls, measures were taken, that seemed serious, for the sake of a ceasefire. These include the approval of the United Nations’ Security Council for a project presented by America last March. Then, there is the ruling of the International Court of Justice demanding an immediate ceasefire, and cessation of military operations in Rafah, last May. This is in addition to the calls of the lowly Ruwaibidah (incompetent) rulers of Muslims, who claim to belong to this Ummah, rejecting what the Jewish entity is doing in Gaza, and demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. Despite all these calls, the Jewish entity persisted in its folly. It continued to carry out military operations and commit massacres in the wake of 7 October, to achieve the goal it set in full agreement, and coordination, with the head of kufr, America. It seeks to eliminate the resistance, even if the cost of that was the destruction of the Gaza Strip over the heads of its unarmed and civilian residents. So it was!
Anyone who follows the statements of politicians, including heads of states, heads of international bodies, and the servile rulers who are imposed over the necks of the Muslims, will find out, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that these statements are in complete contradiction to their true stance, regarding what the Jewish entity is doing in Gaza. Those calling for a ceasefire in Gaza know that what is happening is not a war between two groups of equal strength. Instead, they know it is a barbaric attack on the Gaza Strip. Therefore, there is no meaning, at all, in using the term ceasefire. That term suggests that there is an exchange of fire between two armies that are equal in arms, and close to each other in numbers. However, the reality is completely the opposite. What is happening is shooting at, and throwing lava upon, the heads of unarmed, patient, sincere civilians seeking reward. That is, it is mass slaughter by one party, the Jewish entity and its crusader alliance, whilst the resistance present on the ground is merely skirmishing, with the very modest force that it has at its disposal. This brutal attack faces no armed force to repel the enemy, or defeat its army. This is especially so, amidst the depriving of the resistance of any form of military support, by the conspiring neighboring countries. They are pursuing anyone who dares to “smuggle” a weapon, with which they will repel their enemy, even if it were one bullet.
The calls of the so-called leaders of the international community, and their henchmen among the rulers of Muslims, for a ceasefire, and not ending the genocidal massacres, are nothing but the throwing of dust in the eyes of world public opinion, including public opinion in Islamic countries. These deceptive calls reject these massacres, whilst buying more time for the Jewish entity and America to finish off the war, upon what remains of the resistance and its popular support. They see nothing wrong with destroying the country and killing people to achieve this goal, no matter how long that takes. They expected to eliminate the resistance within days or weeks. When they were unable to do so, they extended the deadline to ten months. Their stance in supporting, and participating in, these massacres did not change, in parallel with maintaining calls of denial and rejection, and calling for a ceasefire. All of this is mere lip-service, that does not extend beyond their throats.
The international community, along with the traitorous rulers of Muslims, are enemies of the Islamic Ummah and its issues, the most prominent of which is the issue of the Blessed Land of Palestine. The issue of Palestine is the issue of the Islamic Ummah alone. The Ummah is the one that must take care of its issues, protect them and support them. The Ummah must not rely, or depend, upon those conspiring against its issues, including the deafeningly hypocritical lowly Ruwaibidah rulers. The Ummah must strive, with all seriousness, to depose these rulers, overthrow them, and restore its usurped authority, by calling upon the armies of the Islamic Ummah. The Ummah must call upon its armies, upon which the Ummah spends from its livelihood. It must demand that they scrutinize their own livelihood, what they spend on their families and what they enjoy, and to consider what they did for, and spent on, the Ummah in return. It is the duty of the Ummah, with its armies and its people, to overthrow these rulers and restore the Ummah’s usurped authority, by giving Nussrah to Hizb ut Tahrir to establish the Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of the Prophethood. This is what the Ummah must hold its armies accountable for, before Allah (swt) holds them all accountable, for their abandonment of their people and the oppressed on earth. They must be held accountable for abandoning the sons of the best Ummah that was brought forth for humanity, and from among them the best of people, the people of the Blessed Land - Palestine.
[يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مَا لَكُمْ إِذَا قِيلَ لَكُمُ انْفِرُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ اثَّاقَلْتُمْ إِلَى الْأَرْضِ أَرَضِيتُمْ بِالْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا مِنَ الْآخِرَةِ فَمَا مَتَاعُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا فِي الْآخِرَةِ إِلَّا قَلِيلٌ * إِلَّا تَنْفِرُوا يُعَذِّبْكُمْ عَذَاباً أَلِيماً وَيَسْتَبْدِلْ قَوْماً غَيْرَكُمْ وَلَا تَضُررُّوهُ شَيْئاً وَاللهُ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ]
“O believers! What is the matter with you that when you are asked to march forth in the cause of Allah, you cling firmly to your land? Do you prefer the life of this world over the Hereafter? The enjoyment of this worldly life is insignificant compared to that of the Hereafter. * If you do not march forth, He will afflict you with a painful torment and replace you with other people. You are not harming Him in the least. And Allah is Most Capable of everything.” [TMQ Surah At-Tawba 9:38-39]
The Central Media Office
of Hizb ut Tahrir
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